
Always listening to our customers

Need a demo to have a glimpse of Clean Menu

You don't have time to discover our solution on your own or you are simply not comfortable with new smartphone technologies?

No worries: We offer training packages to help you get started with your Clean Menu solution.

Face to face2 or in visiocall, we can train you and your team in 1 hour.

The simplicity of the solution allows all users to quickly and efficiently get a grip with the Clean Menu solution in couple minutes.

Training vai visiocall

What is videoconferencing?

Via smartphone or a computer, let's connect and train you in less than an hour.

It makes it possible to reach an audience spread on several locations. In addition, it is possible to record the training and share it for future collaborators!

Training Face to Face

The face-to-face training on your Clean Menu solution is based on a certified trainer from the Clean Menu team that come and show you how the solution works.

In a 2-hour format, the training is divided into 3 parts:

  • Clean Menu
  • Introduction to photography
  • Q&A

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